Solr Facet Performance These benchmarks compare the performance of the new JSON Facet API with it’s “performance-first” architecture, and the existing (legacy) Solr Facets. Test index details: documents: 5M index segments: 25 index size: 1.74GB 6 single valued string fields with 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 unique values respectively. […]
pivot facets
Subfacets (also called Nested Facets) is a more generalized form of Solr’s current pivot faceting that allows adding additional facets for every bucket produced by a parent facet. Subfacet advantages over pivot faceting: Subfacets work with facet functions (statistics), enabling powerful real-time analytics Can add a subfacet to any facet […]
Solr Subfacets

Solr 5.1 has been released! Here’s an overview of how to use some of the new features. Also see Solr download links and upcoming features of the next Solr release. New Facet Module The new facet module has a native JSON Facet API, first-class support for statistics and analytics via […]