Related Pages Facet Functions Sub-Facets Multi-Select Faceting Nested Documents / Block Join Faceting Facet Performance Benchmarks Introduction Solr 5 has a completely re-written faceted search and analytics module with a structured JSON API to control the faceting and analytics commands. NOTE: Some examples use syntax only supported in later Solr […]
Faceted Search
Traditional faceted search (also called guided navigation) involves counting search results that belong to categories (also called facet constraints). The new facet functions in Solr extends normal faceting by allowing additional aggregations on document fields themselves. Combined with the new Sub-facet feature, this provides powerful new realtime analytics capabilities. Also […]
Solr Facet Functions and Analytics
Native code faceting for Solr has just been added to Heliosearch, and benchmarks show an impressive 2x performance increase! This is faceting code written in C++ and statically compiled for maximum performance, and loaded into the JVM via JNI (Java Native Interface). nCache, Heliosearch’s off-heap version of the Lucene/Solr FieldCache, […]
Native Code Faceting
Having performance issues with Solr’s faceted search and certain types of fields? Help has arrived in the form of a new Solr faceting algorithm! This new faceting implementation dramatically improves the performance of faceted search, making it suitable for a much wider range of applications. The existing multivalued field faceting […]