Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 7.2, the next upcoming minor release in the Solr 7 line: Download a Solr 7 nightly build to try these features out and give us feedback! Nothing yet, stay tuned!
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 7.1: Download Solr 7.1 or later to try these features out and give us feedback! JSON Query Syntax / JSON Query DSL There is now a JSON mapping to Solr QParsers. Currently, one must use the JSON Request […]
Solr 7.1 Features
JSON Request API Motivation Although query parameters are often an easy method to create a Solr requests by hand, they have a number of drawbacks: Inherently un-structured, requiring unsightly parameters like f.facet_name.facet.range.start=5 Inherently un-typed… everything is a string. More difficult to decipher large requests. Harder to programmatically create a request. […]
Solr JSON Request API
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 6.2. Download Solr 6.2 to try these features out and give us feedback! You can also check out upcoming features of the next Solr release. Boolean Comparison Function Queries Function queries for comparisons of numeric arguments: gt – greater […]
Solr 6.2 Features
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 6.3. Download Solr 6.3 to try these features out and give us feedback! You can also check out upcoming features of the next Solr release. New dvhash faceting method in the JSON Facet API A new faceting method for […]
Solr 6.3 Features
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 7.0 Download Solr 7 to try these features out and give us feedback! Point Numeric Fields The now deprecated trie-based numeric fields use (and abuse) the full-text index to index parts of numbers to speed up range queries. […]
Solr 7 Features
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 6.0. Download Solr 6 to try these features out and give us feedback! You can also check out upcoming features of the next Solr release. Parallel SQL Parallel SQL queries across SolrCloud collections. The SQL engine is built on […]
Solr 6 Features
NOTE: This uses syntax from the upcoming Solr 5.4 release. If you are using Solr 5.2 or 5.3, specify domain:{excludeTags:mytag} as excludeTags:mytag. Multi-Select Faceting with Solr Multi-select faceting is a powerful faceting style that allows users to see and select multiple facet constraints (facet values) for certain facets. This example […]
Multi-Select Faceting
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 5.4 Also see Solr Download Links and upcoming Features of the next Solr release. filter() operator in lucene/solr query syntax A filter query retrieves a set of documents matching a query from the Solr filter cache. This improves performance […]
Solr 5.4 Features
Here’s an overview of some of the new features in Solr 5.3 Also see Solr Download Links and upcoming Features of the next Solr release. Faceting Nested Documents The JSON Facet API can now change the domain for facet commands, essentially doing a block join and moving from parents to […]